Introduction to R and RStudio

Goal of this course

  • Gentle introduction to:
    • Programming languages
    • R for data science
  • Provide a foundation for the course of Gerko Vink’s course

Why do we care about R?

Why programming languages?
  • Faster
  • Easier (once you know it)
  • Communication: Beautiful plots/interactive
  • Flexibly (new methods)
  • Reproducibility! (open an old Excel file and try to understand what you did)
Why R:
  • Designed for statistics/data science
  • Huge community of users
  • From a personal perspective: You know R = you are employed

R for data science

What is R / RStudio?

Communicating with the comptuer

R ~ English

  • Programming language, allows you to communicate with the computer

RStudio: Integrated Development Environment ~ Word

  • Makes using R as effective and efficient as possible:
    • Code editor
    • Nice extras: Syntax highlighting; Code completion; File explorer; Help

R packages ~ Tabs in Word

  • Extend the functionalities of base R
  • You can install and use new packages:
install.packages("ggplot2") #Install new package (you only need to do it once)
library(ggplot2) #Load the package



Source editor

Write your R code (load data, clean it, model it, etc)


All the variables that you have defined


File explorer, find your files.


Get information about code (super useful!)


Write R code (not recommended at this point) and see the output of your R scripts


See the plots, and export it


History of all the code you have run.


All packages that you have loaded (I don’t recommend loading/unloading packages this way)


Run commands on your terminal (this is not R, you won’t need to use this)

Basic units of RStudio

Run pieces of code

View your data/objects

Create a new file: R Scripts and Quarto Documents

Paths & working directory

Paths and working directory (folder)

  • Your computer finds files by their path:
    • “/Users/javiergb/Desktop/somefile.csv” (Mac/Linux)
    • “C:\Users\javiergb\Desktop\somefile.csv” (Windows)
  • Both in Unix and Windows:
    • Always use “/” (R will convert it)
    • “\” is a “escape character”, with a special meaning
  • Paths can be:
    • Absolute (e.g., the ones above). They are defined from the root directory, the top-most directory.
    • Relative. They are defined from the working directory
      • e.g. “data/somefile.csv” –> in our working directory, find the folder “data”, and inside, the file “somefile.csv”
      • It makes possible to use the code in different computers.

Paths and working directory (cont)

Important shortcuts for relative paths:
  • ../somefile.csv”: find “somefile.csv” one level down
  • ../../somefile.csv”: find “somefile.csv” two levels down
  • ./somefile.csv”: find “somefile.csv” in the current level (not so useful, it is identical to “somefile.csv”)
  • ~/somefile.csv”: find “somefile.csv” in your home directory
Changing the working directory with RStudio:
  • “Session (top menu) -> Set Working directories”
  • “Files (RStudio unit) -> More –> Set as working directory”
  • On a notebook –> Working directory = directory of the notebook

Type of R documents

R-scripts (.R)

  • Text file with R code (you can open it in any text editor)
  • Working directory:
    • If not associated to a project: your home directory (e.g. “/Users/javiergb”)
    • If associated to a project: the project directory
  • Output in the console/plots menus

Rstudio-projects (.Rproj)

  • Contains a .Rproj file within the directory, with project options. More info on setting up projects
  • Working directory: the project directory where the .Rproj file resides.

R-notebooks (.Rmd) and Quarto documents (.qmd)

  • Markdown files (like this one!) – combines chunks of texts and code
  • Working directory: the directory where the document is located
  • Outputs directly in the editor. Can be knitted to HTML/PDF/Word
  • Most useful for data science

How does R (and Python) work

Variables and code


  • Tell the computer to save an object (a number, a string, a spreadsheet) with a name.

  • Creating variables in R is very straightforward:

    • you just use <- (assignment operator)
  • For example, if you assign the value 100 (an element) to variable a, you would type

a <- 100
## [1] 100


  • Instructions to modify variables
  • Can be organized in functions: blocks of code that take some input and return some output

Objects in R:

  • Everything is an object in R, and can be assigned to a variable name

Basic data types (elements)

  • character: “some text”
  • numeric: e.g., 2.1
  • integer: e.g., 2L
  • logical: TRUE/FALSE
  • factor: e.g., factor(“amsterdam”)

Basic data structures

  • Consist of data types and functions to transform them
    • vector: c(2, 4, 2)
    • list: list(first_col = 1, second = “a”, third = TRUE)
    • matrix: matrix(c(4, 4, 4, 4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    • data.frame: The most important ~ spreadsheet

The help

  • Everything that is published on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and is aimed at R users, must be accompanied by a help file.

  • If you know the name of the function that performs an operation, e.g. anova(), then you just type ?anova or help(anova) in the console, or use the “Help” menu.

  • If you do not know the name of the function: type ?? followed by your search criterion. For example ??anova returns a list of all help pages that contain the word ‘anova’

  • Alternatively, the internet will tell you almost everything you’d like to know and sites such as and, as well as Google and LLM can be of tremendous help.

    • If you google R related issues; use ‘R:’ as a prefix in your search term

Calling objects

  • You just use type the name you have given to the object

  • For example, we assigned the value 100 to object a.

a <- 100

To call object a, we would type

## [1] 100

Writing code

1. Using functions

# This is a comment, it won't be read by R
student_number <- 4
paste("The number of students is: ", student_number, sep = " ")
## [1] "The number of students is:  4"
#sep can be any character, or "\n" (newline), "\t" (tab),

2. Using packages

# install.packages("tidyverse") #installing packages
library(readr) #loading the library to read csv, usually on top of the file

# Using the readr library (the readr:: is optional, but useful when the function)
data <- readr::read_csv("../common_datasets/dataset_boys.csv", col_select = c("age","hgt"))
## Rows: 748 Columns: 2
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (2): age, hgt
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Summary statistics
##       age              hgt        
##  Min.   : 0.035   Min.   : 50.00  
##  1st Qu.: 1.581   1st Qu.: 84.88  
##  Median :10.505   Median :147.30  
##  Mean   : 9.159   Mean   :132.15  
##  3rd Qu.:15.267   3rd Qu.:175.22  
##  Max.   :21.177   Max.   :198.00  
##                   NA's   :20

Practical A

Goal: Get used to RStudio using R as a calculator, and install one library

  1. Create an R script
  2. Create an R project
  3. Create a Quarto document